Stand out As a Certified Positive Psychology Coach In Just 8 Weeks
Join award-winning Positive Psychologist MSc, Niyc Pidgeon for the world's most up-to-date, practical & results-focused positive psychology coach certification that offers the science, coaching skills, and business strategies you need to  create unstoppable results for your clients in ANY niche

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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
So many coaches want to make a bigger impact, but don't feel qualified enough to do it...
Maybe you want to ask your clients deeper questions, feel more confident and in control during your coaching sessions, and have a real framework to teach that gets your clients powerful and repeatable results—but going back to school for specialization can take years, and most coaching certifications fall short of offering strategies to integrate your new skills into your unique business.
that’s where PPCA comes in…
PPCA gives you a fullend-to-end system to help you & your clients thrive
The Positive Psychology Coach Academy (PPCA) is a fully CPD accredited, 8-week program to help you get certified as a masterful positive psychology coach. 

You’ll learn the science of positive psychology, apply it for yourself first, and then learn how to deliver powerful and impactful coaching sessions using these research driven and proven methods. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re helping people lose weight, build a business, or even manage social media—PPCA will show you how to frame your coaching with Positive Psychology principles so that anyone you help (including yourself) gets better results.

Why PPCA is different from other programs & certifications...
PPCA solves a problem we witnessed happening within the industry: you can learn positive psychology or other "coaching" modalities conceptually, but then you don’t know what to do with them.

Most positive psychology training courses teach you the science of wellbeing, but not how to apply it effectively to get results with your coaching clients.

Similarly, most coaching certifications teach you how to be a great life coach, but they don’t offer any sort of proven system to follow!

Instead, PPCA gives you both, walking you through a 3-step process of learning the positive psychology tools, using them and embodying the personal transformation for yourself, and then integrating them within your own life and business to get powerful positive shifts and lasting change for others too.
You'll walk away with actionable business strategies you can implement immediately
Nearly 100% of our graduates report back saying they have more confidence and certainty in their offers than ever before.

We've had students who have sold out their coaching programs since graduating as PPCA Certified Coaches, break into multiple 6- and 7-figures just months after graduating, and even students who have been invited to speak to large audiences about positive psychology.

We spend weeks within the program just helping you integrate what you've learned into your business, practice your coaching skills with our experienced coaches, and even create your own masterclass so you leave prepared for massive growth.

that’s where PPCA comes in…
PPCA gives you a full end-to-end system to help you & your clients thrive
The Positive Psychology Coach Academy (PPCA) is a fully CPD accredited, 8-week program to help you get certified as a masterful positive psychology coach. 

You’ll learn the science of positive psychology, apply it for yourself first, and then learn how to deliver powerful and impactful coaching sessions using these research driven and proven methods. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re helping people lose weight, build a business, or even manage social media—PPCA will show you how to frame your coaching with Positive Psychology principles so that anyone you help (including yourself) gets better results.

Why PPCA is different from other programs & certifications...
PPCA solves a problem we witnessed happening within the industry: you can learn positive psychology or other "coaching" modalities conceptually, but then you don’t know what to do with them.

Most positive psychology training courses teach you the science of wellbeing, but not how to apply it effectively to get results with your coaching clients.

Similarly, most coaching certifications teach you how to be a great life coach, but they don’t offer any sort of proven system to follow!

Instead, PPCA gives you both, walking you through a 3-step process of learning the positive psychology tools, using them and embodying the personal transformation for yourself, and then integrating them within your own life and business to get powerful positive shifts and lasting change for others too.
You'll walk away with actionable business strategies you can implement immediately
Nearly 100% of our graduates report back saying they have more confidence and certainty in their offers than ever before.

We've had students who have sold out their coaching programs since graduating as PPCA Certified Coaches, break into multiple 6- and 7-figures just months after graduating, and even students who have been invited to speak to large audiences about positive psychology.

We spend weeks within the program just helping you integrate what you've learned into your business, practice your coaching skills with our experienced coaches, and even create your own masterclass so you leave prepared for massive growth.


Coaches of all levels, niches, and understanding of psychology are achieving radical results with PPCA

Judith Juhnke

"I can recommend it to anyone! Deep knowledge and a support system of tools. Crystal clear direction for my mission, vision, and future direction for my business. You can integrate it into whatever you already do too. Do it. It will change your life and it will change your business as well."

Charlotte Carter

"I learned so many positive psychology tools to use with my clients to help them step into the future with ease success and happiness. PPCA has changed my life, and my clients lives - and the direction of my business too. It was totally a brilliant investment for me - so go for it!" 

Ali Machedon

"Your life is going to change! You're going to walk away with a framework you can use with your own coaching clients and in your own business. The things you are going to uncover in this program run really deep. It has a huge positive impact on you personally AND professionally." 

Adele Johnson

"It is absolutely phenomenal. Awakening, eye opening, and phenomenal! Now I get to take these strategies and equip my ladies forever more with tools in their tool box they can use. So YES to PPCA - it has been a phenomenal experience and one that I am forever grateful I went on." 

Katie Cooper

"Far more profound than I thought it would be. The transformational process I went through was amazing. There’s nothing like living it yourself to be able to help as many people as possible. If you’re sitting on the fence I recommend you get on and do it as soon as possible!" 

Faye Edwardes

"Categorically the best thing I’ve ever done. It was completely transformational. It’s given me the confidence and the credibility. Anybody who works in coaching or business I would recommend doing it. You can intertwine it into everything you do - you, your business, your family, it’s absolutely amazing!" 
PPCA benefits anyone who wants to experience higher levels of joy, personal power, and fulfillment—whether you're a coach, a teacher, an entrepreneur, or even a parent.

You don't need a degree to join PPCA, or even to have started a business of any kind!

PPCA is perfect for you if...

  • You want to make a difference in the world but you don't yet have the credentials, framework, or business strategies to start helping people change their lives
  • You want to stand out in a crowded industry so you can grow your existing coaching business
  • You work with clients who are often stuck in limiting beliefs and want a proven method of getting them unstuck so they can have amazing results.
  • You want consistency, clarity, and more certainty in what you’re offering to clients and a program you believe in to run them through 
  • You're struggling to attract consistent, high-end clients and want an actionable certification that lets them know you're worth the investment
  • You work in a people-focused career where you often lead, coach, or communicate with others and just want to level up your value
  • You're done hustling at the sake of your own wellbeing and want the tools and real-life applications to use Positive Psychology in your own life

PLUS, our students are creating profound shifts outside of coaching too—like one student who helped their daughter overcome the fear of being bullied in a dance class, and another practicing a positive psychology intervention with her son to overcome anxiety.

So even if you’re not sure about coaching others, this program gives you the tools to transform virtually any part of your life that could use a big boost of joy and fulfillment.


Niyc Pidgeon

your Certification Guide

Niyc is the Founder and creator of PPCA and she will guide you on your journey to becoming a certified positive psychology coach. She'll also introduce you to industry-leading experts in the Positive Psychology space so you know you're supported by the best.

Niyc is also a triple-certified coach, leading business mentor, and an award-winning Positive Psychologist MSc. She was awarded an extraordinary ability visa to work in The United States of America for excellence in the field of positive psychology and motivational speaking.

She has written the award-winning best-selling happiness bible "Now Is Your Chance" and is the founder of multi-million dollar online training company Unstoppable Success, which has helped more than 10,000 online coaches create success. Now it's YOUR turn... are you ready!?

Mel Deague

your Coach

Mel is the PPCA Curriculum Lead and has been working together with Niyc for more than 4 years. She is a Certified Positive Psychology Mentor, Certified Strengths Coach, and experienced Human Resources Professional.

Mel is currently writing her Positive Psychology Masters Thesis on entrepreneurial wellbeing and holds a second master's degree in Human Resource Management.

She has a Diploma of Business, and bachelor's degree in Behavioural Science and Counselling, and a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. You'll be getting to know Mel within the PPCA program and she will be supporting you towards your goals!

Self-guided instructions

PPCA is more effective than a self-guided online certification because it includes a self-guided curriculum and live instruction. That means when you sign up for PPCA, you’ll get instant access to the digital curriculum so you can get started right away.

You’ll complete 3 key sections of the curriculum:

Core 1 teaches you how to be a masterful coach, and you’ll be able to unlock the next step in your training as you complete each lesson.

Core 2 is the background to positive psychology and wellbeing.

Core 3 walks you through our proven Positive Psychology PROMISE™ Framework that you’ll experience, and practice so you know exactly how to deliver the framework, and all of the interventions and tools for your clients too.

Live instructions

Once you’re signed up, you’ll also take part in 8-weeks of live group coaching sessions so you can experience all 8 pillars of The PROMISE™ (Positive Results-Oriented Method of Integrating the Science Effectively).

You’ll attend 8 LIVE group coaching calls and practice 24 hours of coaching, where you’ll coach a client, observe a coaching session, and you’ll be coached yourself so you can receive the powerful transformation that positive psychology affords.


As you move through the course you’ll consider how you want to integrate positive psychology within your niche, and you’ll develop an integrated program plan to submit as part of your final assessment, along with a recorded masterclass training which will act as a promotion for your new offer, and a recorded practice session too.


Once you’ve completed the self-guided and live instruction, you’ll graduate with your class as a Certified Positive Psychology Coach—but the support doesn’t end here. You'll get access to the PPCA CPD community for a full year (more if you want to!) after getting certified where you'll be able to access new trainings and network with other coaches. 

Here’s a peek at your 8-week curriculum

This is everything you need to learn, integrate, and grow both personally and professionally this year and beyond

The online world moves quickly—there’s always a new strategy, tool, or tactic you can use in your coaching business. In fact, that’s exactly why you need to act right now.

This is your chance to master an actual, scientific modality and a proven framework you can use without feeling underqualified, without worrying you won’t be able to get your clients results, and so you can get predictable, repeatable, results that grow you and your business.

This is everything you need to learn, integrate, and grow both personally and professionally this year and beyond

The online world moves quickly—there’s always a new strategy, tool, or tactic you can use in your coaching business. In fact, that’s exactly why you need to act right now.

This is your chance to master an actual, scientific modality and a proven framework you can use without feeling underqualified, without worrying you won’t be able to get your clients results, and so you can get predictable, repeatable, results that grow you and your business.

More amazing results from our PPCA students

Fiona Drake

"Joining was a no brainer - I knew the power of Niyc & her talents and gifts, but nothing could have prepared me for how powerful this journey was. To offer something backed by science and research was such a compliment to what I already did. I was able to truly transform my health and vitality. I feel super focused, motivated, grounded, and light. One of the best things I have ever done in my life"

Gwenne Wilcox

"I have done a lot of programs and this was the most robust, informative, educational, valuable and life changing experience I have had. It was so immersive that I probably got the equivalent of a year in academia and therapy. I can’t imagine anyone not being able to integrate this with what you’re doing. Do yourself and all of the people in your life a favor, and do the PPCA program."

Sarah Woodward

"I loved it and highly recommend it to anyone interested in positive psychology. I’d been looking for a coaching program in positive psychology for years. It was exactly what I was looking for - really practical and you can use it in your own life and coaching programs. It’s really really thorough, well structured, clear what you’re doing each week. I use this in my life, with my clients, and it’s a really powerful modality"

Serena Dodd

"I jumped at the chance to learn more and absorb as much about positive psychology for myself but also to be able to deliver the benefits to my clients. I didn’t know what to expect. I got so much more than I was expecting. Niyc and Mel really overdeliver. You’re able to put it into practice through the course. If you are in the process of deciding whether you should or shouldn’t take this course, I can honestly say that I can’t recommend it highly enough. Go ahead and just do it!"

Philippa Isles

"PPCA was a turning point in my life. My clients would reach a limit and put limiting beliefs on what they thought they could achieve. I wanted to support them with better language, strategies and interventions to be able to push past those ceilings. It was like turning on a light, and the pieces of the puzzle fell into place - to the extent of people noticing and asking what the difference is with me! Why do I look better, brighter, and getting more done. I feel so aligned and energized."

Arabella Poxon

"One of the best things I have ever done! I’m only 17 and I actually didn’t struggle with it at all - the course is filled with so many different ways to learn and they cover everything in depth. I wanted to become a better coach, and I did. I honestly would recommend this for anyone like me who loves to help people and wants to improve themselves and their coaching. I can’t praise this course enough. They didn’t cut a corner at all. Really happy I got to join, and really happy about the person I’ve become."

PPCA only opens enrollment twice each year…

Putting off enrollment could mean missing out on transforming your life, the lives of your clients, and your business results, this year.
That also means missing out on new client sales, the next level of authority and credibility in your niche, and a better quality of life when you get the science of positive psychology embedded and integrated into your coaching business.
By getting into the certification now, you’re future-proofing yourself, your team, and your business from unnecessary—and expensive—energy drains that affect your ability to show up in your brand and business as your most aligned, energized, and powerful self.

Everything included in PPCA

  • 120+ hours of Positive Psychology Coaching curriculum ($10,000 value)
  • ​1hr Online Orientation Pre-Workshop With Niyc ($500 value)
  • ​8-Weeks of LIVE group coaching ($5,000 value)
  • ​24+ hours of coaching practice in your pod groups
  • Checklists, homework & end of module quiz to keep you on track ($1,000 value)
  • ​Personalized 8-week integrated PROMISE® session framework ($5,000 value)
  • ​Final assessment, integration plan & certification ($300 value)
  • ​World-class community and networking opportunities ($15,000 value)
  • ​Free replays, summary guides and community groups ($300 value)
  • ​BONUS #1: 12-week Unstoppable Success Online sales & marketing course ($5,000 value)
  • ​BONUS #2: 12-months CPD community access ($2,000 value) 
  • ​BONUS #3: 1 Year Membership to Cohere ($997 Value)
Plus, receive a 45 minute 1:1 session with a master coach
when you pay in full! ($300 Value)
Total value: $45,400
Total PPCA investment: Only $10,000

Everything included in PPCA

  • 120+ hours of Positive Psychology Coaching curriculum ($10,000 value)
  • ​1hr Online Orientation Pre-Workshop With Niyc ($500 value)
  • ​8-Weeks of LIVE coaching starting Jan 2022 ($5,000 value)
  • ​24+ hours of coaching practice in your pod groups
  • Checklists, homework & end of module quiz to keep you on track ($1,000 value)
  • ​Personalized 8-week integrated PROMISE® session framework ($5,000 value)
  • ​Final assessment, integration plan & certification ($300 value)
  • ​World-class community and networking opportunities ($15,000 value)
  • ​Free replays, summary guides and community groups ($300 value)
  • ​BONUS #1: 12-week Unstoppable Success Online sales & marketing course ($5,000 value)
  • ​BONUS #2: 12-months CPD community access ($2,000 value) 
  • ​BONUS #3: 1 Year Membership to Cohere ($997 Value)
Plus, receive a 45 minute 1:1 session with a master coach
when you pay in full! ($300 Value)
Total value: $45,400
Total PPCA investment: Only $10,000
(Or $8,500 if you're on the VIP Waitlist!!)  

>>>Were you on the VIP Waitlist?<<<
You get ANOTHER 3 bonuses when you enroll now!

VIP WAITLIST BONUS 1: LIVE Business Integration Session ($997 value) - Get personalized support to mastermind the integration of positive psychology in your specific niche so you can explode your confidence and client results.

VIP WAITLIST BONUS 2: High Converting Masterclass Funnel Template ($997 value) - Swipe the proven funnel set up so you can plug & play your final assessment masterclass & start signing new clients straight away!

VIP WAITLIST BONUS 3: Sky Rocket & Layered Launch Method Bundle ($997 value) - Learn my end-to-end sales and marketing methodologies including my proven sales scripts so you can skyrocket your positive psychology coaching business.

That’s another $2991 in value you’re getting for FREE just for being on the waitlist.

Choose the best plan for you and apply now



per month for 6 months



Best Value - Saves $2,000



per month for 12 months

This is your chance to get ahead in a fast-moving industry…

Kira Wong

"I decided to go through PPCA after leaving my corporate career as an HR executive for over 20 years. It was the best decision I've made in a really long time. If you're looking for a community where you can learn the skills of an amazing science, have amazing people to grow along with, then this is it for you. I am so fortunate to have found Niyc and PPCA and I fully believe anyone who's looking to grow a practice, and deepen their understanding of how to help clients should do it as well."

Cinda Wooton

“If you’re a coach not currently using positive psychology, I would say, hands down, clear your agenda, and jump into the next cohort of PPCA. It is amazing what it’s going to do for you, and the value it will add for your clients too.”

Hayley Forbes

“I signed up because as a coach myself I always want to be growing and developing and learning. I’ve enjoyed so much the tools and techniques - and the biggest takeaway from it is I now get to back up my intuitive coaching with science - of being in flow, of using our strengths in our business and our lives. It’s okay to do things your way, and actually we become a lot happier and more successful when we do! Thank you Niyc and Mel, this has been absolutely incredible!"

Jodie Hayward

“It was just an amazing experience! I loved every part of it. It’s so in depth, and they way the course is delivered is perfect. The knowledge you gain, not just for your clients but personally for myself and the impact it’s had on my own wellbeing has just been exponential. I recommend this course to everyone!"

Lora Caven

“The process was phenomenal. I would highly recommend it if you're looking to add to your coaching arsenal and toolkit. I gained a certification, incredible friendships and support, and tools for myself too - and I can't wait to share it with my community!"

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the certification start?

You’ll get instant access as soon as you sign up! You can start working through the curriculum in the members area to build your knowledge and get to know the science of positive psychology before we start the live calls.

Your 8-weeks of live coaching calls will start in April or October (whichever you choose!). After the 8-weeks of live calls you’ll have a few weeks to put together your final assessment and submit it for our review. You’ll then attend your graduation call and receive your certification!

What do I need to do to get certified? 

You’ll be working towards your certification all the way throughout your journey in the Positive Psychology Coach Academy and need to complete all of the curriculum and module quizzes.

You need to attend 8 live coaching sessions, and complete 8 hours of practice coaching. You’ll also receive 8 hours of positive psychology coaching from one of your peers, and you’ll observe 8 hours of positive psychology coaching too. This helps you become more masterful as a coach - and our students always share that they adore these practice pod sessions and make friends for life! 

As well as this you’ll submit your final assessment for review.

What's the final assessment?

We designed the final assessment to be as practical as possible so you’ll walk away with a plan you can actually start using with your clients straight away. You’ll submit a plan of how you intend to integrate the positive psychology PROMISE into your coaching practice. You’ll also lead one final coaching session to demonstrate your integrated session plan with a client.

Some of our students take the PROMISE and use the 8-week framework exactly as we designed it. Other students weave the PROMISE into their existing coaching modalities and get creative with how they want to do that. Our aim is to support you as much as possible with whatever option feels best for you.

Do you have a payment plan?

Yes we have multiple payment plan options to suit your circumstances - you can choose to pay across a number of months if it supports you better than making the investment in full.

How many people will be in the group coaching calls?

We keep the groups small enough to mean you always get your questions answered, and large enough to foster an amazing sense of community and belonging - both key elements of positive psychology! 😍

What happens after I get certified?

You’ll be added into the PPCA grad community and will have access to a new masterclass each month. We will be supporting your continued growth as a PPCA coach. The world of positive psychology is always changing and we want to keep you as up to date as possible with the new research and science.

Plus you’ll be able to ask any questions that come up when you start implementing positive psychology with your clients. 

Why is this different from other positive psychology courses? 

We noticed a big problem in the positive psychology space where students were learning about the science but then were getting stuck with how to apply it within coaching. We solved the problem by creating a fully integrated course experience which teaches you exactly how to coach using positive psychology tools.

You’re getting 120+ hours of comprehensive curriculum and you’ll be certified in a matter of weeks instead of the 4-5 years it takes to complete a masters degree qualification.

How long does it take to get certified?

You can start working through the digital curriculum at your own pace straight away. There’s approximately 20 hours of digital content to complete before you show up to the live coaching calls. Then each week for the 8-weeks of live coaching we recommend you allocate 8-12 hours per week to study and practice as a positive psychology coach. From start to finish the certification process takes around 3-4 months.

What time will the live coaching calls be?

We run multiple sessions per week and you will be booked into a session that works for your time zone. You’ll stick to the same coaching call time each week for the full 8-weeks.

What if I’ve never coached before? Is this for me!?

YES! PPCA is perfect for anyone who is looking to start coaching using positive psychology. Our students usually fall into three main categories:

- New coaches who want to learn how to coach, and want a proven framework to follow and use for themselves and their clients  

- Experienced coaches who want to add positive psychology as a modality in their tool kit

- Experienced experts in other fields who want to add / integrate positive psychology coaching into their existing offers. For example, teachers, digital marketing strategists, social media managers, corporate trainers etc.

Is PPCA an accredited certification?

Yes, this certification is accredited by CPD institute. This means you are certified as a "Positive Psychology Coach, PPCA" by us, and you are CPD accredited too. 

Why should I join now? 

The coaching industry is changing and is growing faster than ever, and with fast growth comes new regulation. Gone are the days where you can just wing it as a coach - customers are more astute and more discerning than ever before. 

We want to support the development of more excellent coaches with our proven framework and scientifically backed tools so you can feel more confident, and do a really great job for your clients. 

More people need your help than ever before. With all of the changes in the world, and the impact on mental health through lockdowns and COVID, we are recognizing the true importance of wellbeing.

We have a huge opportunity to support massive change through the integration of positive psychology tools for ourselves, within our homes, businesses, communities and for our clients. 

The online world moves so quickly and there’s always a new strategy or a new tool or a new tactic you can use within your coaching business. And that’s exactly why you need to act right now so you can have an actual scientific modality and a proven framework you can use, without you feeling like you’re under-qualified, without feeling worrying you won’t be able to get your clients results, and so you can actually get predictable, repeatable, results that mean you and your business continue to grow. 

Why Niyc? Why should I trust you?

I’ve been working as a teacher and coach in the positive psychology space for more than a decade now and have been running online businesses since 2010. 

Since then I’ve helped coaches make more than $27million dollars in my high end masterminds and have worked with more than 10,000 online coaches worldwide to help them create success, including 6-figure, 7-figure, 8-figure, and even 9-figure entrepreneurs. 

I’ve been bullied, raped, and lost 3 close friends to suicide and have gone on to become happier, stronger, and more unstoppable than ever before by using the science of positive psychology. 

I started my business from my dining room table in my freezing cold £450 per month apartment in Newcastle, UK, and now live in Beverly Hills in a $5 Million dollar home. 

I’ve been trusted to teach about positive psychology and entrepreneurship from some of the most prestigious stages in the world, including in front of thousands at Brendon Burchard’s Expert Academy event. 

I’ve interviewed Elon Musk, been featured in big media like Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Goop talking about my work in the positive psychology and coaching space, and have been on safari and to Necker Island with Sir Richard Branson. 

Our PPCA Certification has undergone rigorous checks and is fully accredited internationally by CPD Standards Office for 125 hours of training. 

How does it work?

When you sign up for PPCA you’ll get instant access to the digital curriculum so you can get started right away. You’ll then take part in 8-weeks of live group coaching sessions so you can experience all 8 pillars of The PROMISETM. 

You’ll complete 3 key sections of the curriculum: 

Core 1 teaches you how to be a masterful coach, and you’ll be able to unlock the next step in your training as you complete each lesson. 

Core 2 is the background to positive psychology and wellbeing. 

Core 3 walks you through our proven Positive Psychology PROMISETM Framework that you’ll experience, and practice so you know exactly how to deliver the framework, and all of the interventions and tools for your clients too. 

You’ll attend 8 LIVE group coaching calls and practice 24 hours of coaching, where you’ll coach a client, observe a coaching session, and you’ll be coached yourself so you can receive the powerful transformation that positive psychology affords. 

As you move through the course you’ll consider how you want to integrate positive psychology within your niche, and you’ll develop an integrated program plan to submit as part of your final assessment, along with a recorded masterclass training which will act as a promotion for your new offer, and a recorded practice session too. 

You’ll graduate with your class as a Certified Positive Psychology Coach, PPCA. 

How do I start?

You can sign up for PPCA right now, get instant access to the digital curriculum, and book your spot for the LIVE 8-weeks of group coaching. 

You’re also getting BONUS access to 12-months of CPD community after you graduate (value $2,000), and you unlock BONUS access to my Unstoppable Success Online course (value $5,000), as well as one of our Luxury Transformational Toolkits (value $297) - PLUS you’re also getting 12-months of access to Cohere Coaching software too. 

The investment for PPCA is $10,000. Other non-science based life coaching certifications online are $18,000-$20,000. Usually it would take you years to complete an academic qualification in positive psychology - we’ve condensed the most important parts, and made it possible for you to get certified within a matter of weeks instead of years. 

Get all the support you need to feel qualified, confident, and ready to become the coach you’re meant to be


Everything you need to get started as a coach - from ethics & best practices to how to develop your own style, and exactly what coaching questions to ask - we've got you covered!


What is the scientific underpinning of well-being? And how can you create positive change using these proven validated interventions? We're teaching you the context so you feel confident as a coach.

Real-life PosPsych applications

Once you understand the basics, it's time to learn how to apply the science of happiness to become a masterful coach and get better results with your clients. You'll have a tool kit of more than 50+ exercises you can use.

The Positive Psychology PROMISE®

Learn the Positive Results-Oriented Method of Integrating the Science Effectively and implement this proven framework into your coaching practice right away to set you and your clients up for success.

BONUS: The Unstoppable Success® business-building framework

System business roadmap that has helped other coaches make more than $41 million dollars in the last 6 years {$5,000 value}

BONUS: 12-Months CPD Community + 12-Months Membership to Cohere

You'll access the PPCA CPD community for a full year after getting certified - with new trainings and networking with other coaches {$2,000 value} PLUS get 1-year access to Cohere! {$997 value}
  • 120+ hours of Positive Psychology Coaching curriculum ($10,000 value)
  • ​1hr Online Orientation Pre-Workshop With Niyc ($500 value)
  • ​8-Weeks of LIVE coaching ($5,000 value)
  • ​24+ hours of coaching practice in your pod groups
  • ​Checklists, homework & end of module quiz to keep you on track ($1,000 value)
  • ​Personalized 8-week integrated PROMISE® session framework ($5,000 value)
  • ​Final assessment, integration plan & certification ($300 value)
  • ​World-class community and networking opportunities ($15,000 value)
  • ​Free replays, summary guides and community groups ($300 value)
  • ​BONUS #1: 12-week Unstoppable Success Online sales & marketing course ($5,000 value)
  • ​BONUS #2: 12-months CPD community access ($2,000 value) 
  • ​Bonus #3: 1 Year Membership to Cohere ($997 Value)


  • 12-week Unstoppable Success Online Sales & Marketing Course ($5,000 value)
  • 12-month CPD community access ($2,000 value)
  • 1 Year Membership to Cohere ($997 Value)

VIP Waitlist Bonuses:

VIP WAITLIST BONUS 1: LIVE Business Integration Session ($997 value) - Get personalized support to mastermind the integration of positive psychology in your specific niche so you can explode your confidence and client results.

VIP WAITLIST BONUS 2: High Converting Masterclass Funnel Template ($997 value) - Swipe the proven funnel set up so you can plug & play your final assessment masterclass & start signing new clients straight away!

VIP WAITLIST BONUS 3: Sky Rocket & Layered Launch Method Bundle ($997 value) - Learn my end-to-end sales and marketing methodologies including my proven sales scripts so you can skyrocket your positive psychology coaching business.

Still not sure if PPCA is right for you?

Reach out! You can DM me at @niycpidge on Instagram, send me a message on Facebook, or email us at

Earnings and income representations made by Niyc Pidgeon, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings’ potential. The success of Niyc Pidgeon, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying Niyc Pidgeon’s programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.

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